Mario Luigi Superstar Saga Woohoo Easy Mode Affect
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga |
Also known as: Mario & Luigi RPG (JP) ![]() |
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is sort of a spiritual successor to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (a significant part of AlphaDream staff worked on that game prior, and Geno even gets a cameo here), with an excellent soundtrack and a massive amount of humor that would continue in later games in the series.
- 1 Sub-Pages
- 2 Unused Music
- 3 Unused Sound Effects
- 4 Unused Starbeans Cameos
- 4.1 E. Gadd
- 4.2 Wario
- 4.2.1 Wario Walking
- 4.2.2 Wario Picking His Nose
- 4.2.3 Wario Shocked
- 4.2.4 Wario Laughing
- 4.2.5 Wario Drinking
- 4.2.6 Wario Gotta Go
- 4.3 Fox McCloud
- 4.3.1 Fox Walking
- 4.3.2 Fox Drinking and Answering Call
- 4.3.3 Incoming Call
- 4.4 Captain Olimar
- 4.4.1 Olimar Walking
- 4.4.2 Olimar Drinking
- 4.4.3 Olimar Throwing A Pikmin
- 4.4.4 Blue Pikmin Being Thrown
- 4.4.5 Pikmin Crowd Idle
- 4.4.6 Pikmin Crowd Moving
- 4.5 Samus Aran
- 4.5.1 Samus Teleporting
- 4.5.2 Samus Standing
- 4.5.3 Samus Walking
- 4.5.4 Samus Drinking
- 4.5.5 Samus Shooting
- 4.5.6 Morph Ball Transformation
- 4.5.7 Morph Ball Rolling
- 4.5.8 Bomb
- 4.6 Excitebike Racer
- 4.6.1 Excitebike Racer Driving
- 4.6.2 Excitebike Racer Idle
- 4.6.3 Excitebike Racer Flip
- 4.6.4 Excitebike Racer Falling Off
- 4.6.5 Excitebike Racer Drinking
- 4.6.6 Excitebike Racer Wheelie
- 4.7 Link
- 4.7.1 Link Walking
- 4.7.2 Link Attacking
- 4.7.3 Link Game Over
- 4.7.4 Link Gets Drink
- 4.7.5 Link Spin Attack
- 4.8 Gifts
- 5 Unused Items
- 5.1 Colored Bean Fruits
- 5.2 Neon Beans
- 5.3 Equipment
- 5.4 Miscellaneous
- 6 Unused Sprites
- 7 Unused Enemies
- 7.1 Goomba
- 7.2 Getme!
- 7.3 Dummonster
- 7.4 Mossy Goomba
- 7.5 Pop Goomba
- 7.6 Paragoomba
- 7.7 Sgt. Starshade
- 7.8 Nice Guy
- 8 Unused Enemy Statistics
- 8.1 Sledge
- 8.2 Mallet
- 8.3 Time Bob-Omb
- 8.4 Unused Names
- 9 Unused Enemy Scripts
- 10 Unused Rooms
- 10.1 Debug Room
- 10.2 Debug Menu
- 11 Unused Room Objects
- 12 Unused Loading Zones
- 13 Bros Attack Placeholders
- 14 Gsys Labels
- 15 Battle Backgrounds
- 16 Wrecking Crew
- 17 Oddities
- 17.1 Incorrect Action Icons
- 17.2 Incorrect Sound Effects
- 18 Build Dates
| Regional Differences For versions of games released in such a short span of time, there sure are a lot of these. |
| Kiosk Demo A kiosk demo with significantly rearranged stats, maps and events? That's not something you see everyday. |
Unused Music
The game has eight unused audio tracks, ranging from early versions of existing tracks to a few completely original ones. Additionally, there also exist two variants of the title theme from AlphaDream's previous game, Tomato Adventure, which formed the basis for Superstar Saga.
01 | A jaunty little tune which starts off similar to Little Fungitown's music. Possibly an early version of said theme, seeing how both of them use an old-school Mario leitmotif. strangely enough, this music was actually used in one very early trailer for the game as seen here. | |
02 | A variant of the battle theme, which heavily resembles a MIDI-based track. Likely a very early version. | |
06 | A rearranged version of the title screen from Tomato Adventure. It uses the Game Boy's pulse channels for lead and harmony, rather than using samples. | |
07 | The second rearranged version of the Tomato Adventure title screen. It uses samples for the lead rather than the Game Boy's pulse channels, unlike the first variant, and it also doesn't loop. | |
2B | A rather ominous theme which sounds somewhat similar to the one used in Woohoo Hooniversity. | |
2D | A variant of the Teehee Valley theme without the lead, which is possibly an early version. | |
2E | A variant of the Beanbean Castle Town theme without the lead, which is possibly an early version. | |
2F | A variant of the File Select theme, which is possibly an early version. |
Unused Sound Effects
F1 | An unused variation of E. Gadd's voice babble sound effect. | |
EE | E. Gadd saying "Luigi". This was later used in Luigi's Mansion 3 in the ending sequence, albeit barely audible. | |
EF | E. Gadd saying "Mario". |
Unused Starbeans Cameos
There's a large amount of sprites and leftover text which suggest that originally each drink you made at the Starbeans Cafe was supposed to trigger a cameo by a different Nintendo character, instead of just having usual E. Gadd shenanigans (said E. Gadd also incidentally having his own unused text). None of the text was ever localized when the game was brought over to Europe.
E. Gadd
English | Japanese |
E. Gadd : Hmm... My sniffer's detecting the aroma of a new kind of juice... Cashier : Oh! Professor Gadd! How've you been, sir? Are you here to try our new drink? You can ask those two there for Woohoo Blend! E. Gadd : Oh! Just wonderful! A new blend! How about a try, youngsters? Hmm... This flavor fills the old bones with brimming strength! Yep, a drink like this'll surely boost my spirits during ghost research. Listen, youngsters, let me thank you. I insist you take this. Hmm... I wonder what I should invent next... | E. Gadd : なにやら 新しいドリンクの かおりが するんじゃが… Cashier : おう! オヤ・マー博士! 久しぶり じゃねえか! さっそく 新作の味見かい? できたての アハストレートなら そこの2人組が 持ってるぜ。 E. Gadd : な… なんと! 新作じゃと! どれどれ わしに味見させてくれ。 う〜む この味は体力が メキメキ上がりそうな味じゃ。 オバケの研究も はかどりそうな 気がしてきたぞ。 これは わしからの おれいじゃ。 うけとってくれ。 さ〜て 次は どんな発明 しようかの〜 |
English | Japanese |
Wario : Ah ha ha ha! Move it! Wow! Now that I'm here, this game's finally gettin' good! Cashier : Oh! Wario! What's a bad dude like you doing here? Oh! I got it! You came to pay your tab from the other day! Wario : What are you talkin' about?!? You tryin' to give me a bad rep with stupid rumors? I oughta... Cashier : Aww, come on! Just pay up! I'll even take beans if you got 'em. Come on! You're a rich guy, right? Wario : Uh... OK. Maybe next time. But... Don't you have free drinks for celebrity guest stars in this game? Wa ha ha ha ha ha ha! BLECH! AWFUL! Do you guys really like drinking nasty stuff like this? ...Losers. Ah! Whatever! Hope this covers your costs! Blech! Drinkin' that stuff made me wanna go shave my tongue! Uh-oh! Gotta go! | Wario : ヘロ〜 エブリバディ!! う~ん やっぱりオレ様が出てくると 画面の かがやき具合が ちがうぞ。 Cashier : おう! ワリオ! おめー なんの用だ? ああ そうか! こないだの ツケを はらいにきたんだな? Wario : な… なんのことだ!? また ありもしないウワサで オレ様を 悪者にする気だな! Cashier : いいから カネはらえ。 豆でも いいぞ。 もうかってるんだろ? Wario : う… まあ その話しは今度だ。 それより ゲスト出演のオレ様に なんか 飲み物よこせ。 わはははは!! マズイ! お前たちは こんなマズイもの 飲んで よろこんでるのか? あわれな やつらだ。 まあいいや。 ほら ドリンク代だ! む! そのドリンク飲んだら きょうれつに トイレへ 行きたくなったぞ! も もれる〜〜〜!! |
Wario Walking
Wario Picking His Nose
Wario Shocked
Wario Laughing
Wario Drinking
Wario Gotta Go
Fox McCloud
English | Japanese |
Fox : Fox here! Cashier : Hey! Aren't you Fox McCloud, the Star Fox leader? Are you here to taste our new juice? No way! Fox : Uh...yeah. So why don't you serve me up a cup at your special guest star rate? What's that? A call? A call : Fox! Help me! Fox! Where are you?? Cashier : Wow! You sure are one busy guy... Er, I mean, one busy fox! Fox : Thanks for the discount! Will this cover the rest? Mission complete! | Fox : やあ! Cashier : おう! フォックスじゃねか! まさか 新作ドリンクの 味見に きたわけじゃ ねーだろな? Fox : …その まさか さ。 さっそく ゲラストレートの 味見を させてもらおうか? お? 呼び出しか? A call : フォックス〜!たすけて〜! フォックス! どこにいるんだ!? Cashier : オメーも あいかわらず いそがしい ヤツだな〜 Fox : ゲラストレート ごちそうさん。 ドリンク代は これでいいかな? それじゃ また! |
Fox Walking
Fox Drinking and Answering Call
Incoming Call
Captain Olimar
Olimar's dialogue would have been presented in item text boxes as opposed to speech bubbles as if he is logging his thoughts rather than actually speaking, befitting of his native series.
English | Japanese |
Olimar : ...I detect a strange, yet pleasing aroma drifting through the atmosphere of this cafe. It would seem to require further investigation... Cashier : Wow! This is a rare treat! If it isn't Captain Olimar! Olimar : What is this? Before my eyes stands a strange life form. It resembles me slightly, so I shall dub it...Marlio! ...Further investigation indicates that the drink that this Marlio holds is the source of the aroma. I shall now partake of its flavor. Why! Its flavor is most satisfying! Finding that such a drink could be partook of in such a place is a tremendous discovery, indeed! This Marlio creature exhibits what seems to be a longing expression... Perhaps it will react if I present it with something... I have just noticed a strange, unsightly green creature standing next to the Marlio... It could be a dangerous life form. I feel I should attack it before it attacks me. | Olimar : …なにやら いいかおりが ただよっている。 どうやら このかおりは この辺りから ただよっているようだ。 この辺りを 少し 調べてみる 必要がありそうだ… Cashier : おう! こりゃ めずらしい! オリマーじゃねーか! Olimar : おや? 私の目の前に きみょうな 生物が立っている。 なんとなく 私に にているので 「マリオー」と 呼ぶことにする。 …そういえば いいかおりは 「マリオー」の持っている ドリンクから ただよってくるようだ。 ちょっとだけ 味見してみよう。 う… うまい! こんなところで こんなに すばらしい飲み物が 飲めるとは 大発見である。 なにやら 「マリオー」が ものほしそうな 顔をしている… 何か 物をあたえたら 反応するだろうか? そういえば 「マリオー」のとなりに 見なれない 緑の生物がいる… キケンな 生物かもしれない。 先に 攻撃したほうが よさそうだ。 |
Olimar Walking
Olimar Drinking
Olimar Throwing A Pikmin
Blue Pikmin Being Thrown
Pikmin Crowd Idle
Pikmin Crowd Moving
Samus Aran
English | Japanese |
Cashier : Whoa! A power outage? Yikes! Samus Aran! I see you're rocking and rolling as usual! ...Looks like your energy tanks are empty! Sorry, but can't you give your Hoolumbian to Samus? Oh! Feeling better? | Cashier : お? 停電か? よう! サムスじゃねえか! あいかわらず コロコロしてるな。 どうやら エネルギー切れのようだ。 悪いが 今作った ウフマンジャロを サムスに 飲ましてあげな。 おお! 元気になったか? |
Samus Teleporting
Samus Standing
Samus Walking
Samus Drinking
Samus Shooting
Morph Ball Transformation
Morph Ball Rolling
Excitebike Racer
English | Japanese |
Cashier : Hey? Is that the sound of a motorcycle I hear? Hey, buddy! What are you doin'?! This isn't a drive-through!!! What? Are you thirsty or something? Fine, but no need to get so...EXCITED! Are your engines on full throttle? | Cashier : ん? 今 バイクの音が 間こえたような… コラー!! うちは ドライブスルーじゃねーぞ!! なんだ? ノドでも かわいたのか? エキサイトしすぎだぜ。 エンジン全開か? |
Excitebike Racer Driving
Excitebike Racer Idle
Excitebike Racer Flip
Excitebike Racer Falling Off
Excitebike Racer Drinking
Excitebike Racer Wheelie
All of Link's sprites have the kanji 仮 in the top corner, which translates to "temporary", indicating that these sprites were likely never finalized.
English | Japanese |
Cashier : Whoa! Link! The Hero of...what is it, now? Anyway, long-time, no see, buddy! What are you doing here? Did you get lost in a dungeon again? What? You're having trouble finding the fairy fountain? Oh... It's game over, and your bottles are all empty? Are your hearts filled now, kiddo? | Cashier : おう! リンク! 久しぶり じゃねえか! あいかわらず ダンジョンで 道に 迷ってたのか? え? ようせいの泉が 見つからねえ だと? ゲームオーバーか? ビンの中も カラッポみたいだな。 ハートも 満タンか? |
Link Walking
Link Attacking
Link Game Over
Link Gets Drink
Link Spin Attack
The gift you get when you make a new drink also was also supposed to be even more specific to the character cameos above. In fact, there's unused text relating to these gifts:
English | Japanese |
You got the Triforce! You got an Energy Tank! You got a Gold Ring! You got the Game Boy Horror! You got a UV Lamp! You got Wario's Gold! You got an Excite Spring! | トライフォースを 手に入れた! エネルギータンクを 手に入れた! ゴールドリングを 手に入れた! ゲームボーイホラーを 手に入れた! UVランプを 手に入れた! ワリオの金貨を 手に入れた! エキサイトスプリングを 手に入れた! |
The Excite Spring is the only one which managed to survive into the final game unaltered. The others survived too, but had their names changed to be less obvious references to the cameos. The Game Boy Horror, UV Lamp and Energy Tank items likely used different sprites as well. The remake changed the Great Force's icon to resemble the complete Triforce:
Blend | Character | Original gift | Final gift |
Woohoo Blend | E. Gadd | Game Boy Horror | ![]() |
Hoohoo Blend | Wario | Wario's Gold | ![]() |
Chuckle Blend | Fox McCloud | Gold Ring | ![]() |
Heehee Blend | Captain Olimar | UV Lamp | ![]() |
Hoolumbian | Samus Aran | Energy Tank | ![]() |
Chuckoccino | Excitebike Racer | Excite Spring | ![]() |
Teeheespresso | Link | Triforce | ![]() |
Unused Items
Colored Bean Fruits
Bean Fruit sprites matching the colors of the seven hungry Yoshis. In the final game only the purple Bean Fruit is used. Corresponding item descriptions for these unused colored Bean Fruits also exist:
You got a Blue Bean Fruit! You got a Red Bean Fruit! You got a Green Bean Fruit! You got a Yellow Bean Fruit! You got a Purple Bean Fruit! You got an Orange Bean Fruit! You got an Azure Bean Fruit!
Item Name | Description |
Blue Bean Fruit | A juicy blue bean grown in the ground. |
Red Bean Fruit | A juicy red bean grown in the ground. |
Green Bean Fruit | A juicy green bean grown in the ground. |
Yellow Bean Fruit | A juicy yellow bean grown in the ground. |
Purple Bean Fruit | A juicy purple bean grown in the ground. |
Orange Bean Fruit | A juicy orange bean grown in the ground. |
Azure Bean Fruit | A juicy azure bean grown in the ground. |
Neon Beans
There also exist item descriptions for unused items called "Neon Beans" which appear to be early/alternate versions of the Bean Fruits, matching the colors used with those. It's possible the original intent was to have Neon Beans make the Yoshis lay Neon Eggs. No graphics or corresponding "You got (item name)" text exist for these.
Item Name | Description |
Neon Blue Bean | A bean that shines with a bright blue light. |
Neon Red Bean | A bean that shines with a bright red light. |
Neon Green Bean | A bean that shines with a bright green light. |
Neon Yellow Bean | A bean that shines with a bright yellow light. |
Neon Purple Bean | A bean that shines with a bright purple light. |
Neon Orange Bean | A bean that shines with a bright orange light. |
Neon Azure Bean | A bean that shines with a bright azure light. |
The following equipment exists in the game, but you're unable to obtain any of it during the course of the game, despite the official player guide stating they could be dropped by enemies.
Item Name | Description | Bros. | Def | Effect |
Chuckola Pants | Pants made to look like Chuckola Fruit. | Mario | 45 | 60% Poison Dodge |
Heavy Slacks | Very heavy pants made of Hoohoo Blocks. | Both | 48 | Heavy G |
Light Slacks | Very light and made of Parabeanie wings. | Both | 48 | Light G |
Jeanie Jeans | Magic jeans that boost DEF in battle. | Luigi | 60 | DEF-Up |
Jeaniest Jeans | The best-looking, best-fitting jeans. | Luigi | 74 | - |
Safe Guard | An outfit that blocks status ailments. | Both | 78 | 60% Poison Dodge |
Oho Gear | Pants with a raging wave print. | Both | 28 | - |
Interestingly, the Oho Gear would go on to be obtainable in the Japanese localization of the game, as well as every version of the game's remake.
You got a Game & Watch!
The Game & Watch appears to have been a key item, since it can be found in the game's text right after the Beanlet and Beanstone. Either way, no other code related to this item exists in the game.
You got a Spiritual Bros.!
The purpose of this string and the item it refers to is unknown, aside from the name somewhat resembling one a badge would have. Once again, no other code related to this item exists in the game.
Unused Sprites
Colorful letters spelling out "MARIO✩". No equivalent for Luigi exists.
A series of triangles with colorful polka-dots contained alongside the MARIO✩ sprite. The eighth triangle has transparent dots.
Early | Final |
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Early ability icons, which have smaller back "bubbles" and are overall less detailed than the ones used in the final game, as well as lacking the distinction between Mario and Luigi. Only the "x" shaped icon is used in the final game in places where the Bros. can't use a certain ability, like when attempting to Luigi Dunk on metallic ground.
Unused | Used |
| |
Turns out the overworld graphic for the very first badge given to you has alternate palettes which highly resemble the ones used by the badges on display in equipment shops, although no green variant exists.
Early | Final |
![]() | |
Unused early coin sprites, comprised of a palette for both regular, red, and blue coins, the latter two not even appearing in the final game. They also have animations for blinking as though they are about to disappear, which may indicate that at one point certain coins had to be collected under a certain time limit before they disappeared.
An unused green version of the standard question mark block, which is yellow. Strangely enough, a red version is used as decoration in the block study rooms of Woohoo Hooniversity, but the green one isn't.
An unused item sprite for a diploma with a green bean-shaped wax stamp. It's unknown what this would have been used for, and where you would have obtained it. However, diplomas are typically handed out at universities, so it may have a connection to Woohoo Hooniversity.
An unused item sprite for a standard-looking key. Once again, it's unknown what this would have been used for, and where you would have obtained it.
Unused | Used |
| |
An unused sprite for a closed book. Open versions of this book can be found in a few places, such as the Beanbean Castle library, possibly indicating that they would have opened when the player interacted with them.
Unused | Used |
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An unused fiery variant of the red-switch statues found in Woohoo Hooniversity's Sun Door room. In the final game they have a button on their chest that the Bros. have to hit to make it change color in order to match a color password, but it appears that at first the player had to extinguish them (the Watering Hole required was also completely removed, as none can be found near the Sun room).
Early | Final |
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An early version of Lady Lima, who looks noticeably taller and younger than her final counterpart. Interestingly enough this early design bears some resemblance to Cackletta's disguise in the game's introduction.
An unused, cloaked mysterious-looking Beanish character. Only idle animations for this character exist.
Early | Final |
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Boddle's assistant has an alternate palette with red hair and a purple jacket instead of blonde hair and a blue jacket. Strangely enough, this palette ended up being used in the game's remake.
Shocked animations for the green Oho Jee responsible for the surfing minigame from Oho Ocean. Turns out a version of these sprites with a purple palette is used with the purple Oho Jee when you do a time of under 38 seconds, and while the green Oho Jee is the owner of the minigame, it's the purple one who takes care of the rewards.
Early | Final |
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Early overworld sprites for the Wiggler boss from Chucklehuck Woods. This sprite is really primitive shading wise, moreover this happy expression doesn't exist in the final game, only the angry and sad ones.
Early | Final | Final |
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What appear to be early overworld sprites of Fighter Fly, this design bearing some resemblance to the design used in the Mario Bros. remake accessible on the title screen.
Unused | Used |
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Unused sprites for a taller Bill Blaster with the classic skull icon. Alongside these are sprites for a golden Bullet Bill, which is known as a "Bombshell Bill" and appears in a few Paper Mario games.
Unused Enemies
| To do: Apparently the Time Bob-Omb is known as "Bombabum" in Spanish and "Cronobomba" in Italian, check if any other unused enemies names were localized. |
Enemies which didn't quite make the cut. Please note that enemies don't have a set POW value, as it is determined by their attack pattern.
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
100 | 3 | 100 | 2 | 2 | 100 |
A dummy enemy which uses the name and sprite of a regular Goomba, but with unique stats.
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
5000 | 3 | 100 | 999 | 2 | 100 |
Another dummy Goomba enemy, except this one is known as "Getme!".
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
100 | 3 | 100 | 2 | 2 | 100 |
Yet another dummy Goomba enemy, this one simply named "Dummonster" (from "dummy monster") and with the exact same stats as the first dummy Goomba.
Mossy Goomba
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
3 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
An unused blue palette swap of the Goomba enemy with stats lower than that of the average Goomba.
Pop Goomba
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
3 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Yet another unused Goomba palette swap, this time red, but with the exact stats as its blue counterpart.
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
3 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
An unused enemy, a Paragoomba, which once again has lower than average stats. While this enemy was most likely scrapped in favor of Parabeanies, it would end up being used in the Bowser's Minions mode of the game's remake.
Sgt. Starshade
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
100 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 100 |
While Sgt. Starshade appears in the battle tutorial, unused data reveals that at one point of development he was the one you had to fight, instead of a regular Fighter Fly. He has two sprites, his regular right facing overworld sprite and an unused dizzy animation. The game freezes when he is attacked.
Nice Guy
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
100 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 5 |
An unused enemy which appears to just be a standard Hoohooligan. It's unknown where this enemy would have been used.
Unused Enemy Statistics
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
5000 | 3 | 100 | 2 | 2 | 99 |
Sledge has a full set of stats, but since he never attacks they don't even come into play.
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
5000 | 3 | 100 | 2 | 2 | 99 |
Similarly, Mallet also has a full set of stats, but since he never attacks they never come into play. Moreover, since he can't be targeted his name is never shown to the player.
Time Bob-Omb
HP | Defense | Speed | Experience | Coins | Level |
5000 | 999 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 99 |
This unique kind of Bob-omb which appears in the fights against Roy, Wendy O. and Larry Koopa is referred to as a "Time Bob-Omb" in the game's files, but since it can't be targeted the name never appears. Moreover its stats don't even come into play, since once again it can't be targeted and it never attacks.
Unused Names
These enemy names are listed in the ROM, but never appear in-game due to various reasons:
The position of this string in the files suggests that this is an early name for Mecha-Chomp enemy.
The "real" name of the enemy known as ???? which appears in Gwarhar Lagoon. Technically the ???? enemy is composed of two distinct creatures: a skeletal shark and a Cheep Cheep with a shark fin, both with their unique stats and attack patterns, and the reason why the name is a series of question marks is because the Bros. have to anticipate which one of the two fish will attack them.
Seeing how they always hides in the sand, then it makes sense why the name would never appear in-game. Strangely enough the name "Sharkbone" did make an appearance in the enemy list of the official player guide, as well as actually being mentioned in the Easy mode hints of the game's remake.
Only present in the German version is this string which overwrote the aforementioned "Sharkbone" line. This name actually refers to the shark-finned Cheep Cheep which can be found when encountering the ???? enemy, instead of the undead shark, but since this name also can't be seen due to similar issues it is unknown why it was changed at all.
Strangely enough this enemy is known as a "Puffer-Cheep" in the official player guide, while the enemy having this name in the final game is there referred to simply as a "Cheep-Cheep", therefore it's likely the two had their names mixed-up. The "actual" name would actually end up being mentioned in the Easy mode hints of the game's remake, albeit simply as "Sand Cheep", without the hyphen.
Left Pincer Right Pincer
Unused alternate names for the "Left Claw" and "Right Claw" from the Hermie III battle, which ironically enough are more biologically accurate than the ones used in the final game.
Unused Enemy Scripts
Two enemy scripts can be found at 0828335C and 082833C8 in the US version. These two scripts are mostly alike, but the second one makes use of the arrow keys. When it is an enemy's turn, it'll wait for you to press a button before attacking, much like how they do in battle tutorials.
- A button - Attack Mario with first ability.
- B button - Attack Luigi with first ability.
- L button - Attack Luigi with second ability.
- R button - Attack Mario with second ability.
- Left arrow key - Attack Luigi with third ability.
- Right arrow key - Attack Mario with third ability.
Unused Rooms
| To do: Add the rest of the unused rooms. 0004 (Seabed), 0005 (Test room), 0008 (links to 0005), 0009 (Bicycle Blocks), 000D (Cutscene Debug Room), 0016 (unused Starfields room), 01FF (Test room). |
Debug Room
There is a somewhat buggy debug room hidden in the game, which can be accessed by using the code 02001E90:0001 (to bring Luigi along with you, put in 02001E9C:0001 ). To access the room you'll have to start a new game, save and quit, turn on the code after the game resets, and then select your save file.
Room 1 | Room 2 |
![]() | ![]() |
You start in the left map with Mario alone. It's possible to leave through the northern part of the stage and immediately return with Luigi. Returning with Luigi alters the level somewhat, or perhaps takes you to a different room. It's possible to return to the first map (with Luigi still) by walking north on the "island" at the top-left of the stage.
Both rooms lack music, and have multiple copies of Popple which don't say anything despite having a "talk" icon appear when you're next to them. Touching the Beanie in the second map immediately begins a battle with a single Goomba, except the game crashes after pressing A when a message bubble appears reading "Press the A button here!". It's also impossible to walk up hills in the first map (they act more like walls), but it's possible to get stuck in the air and still able to walk around by jumping into objects from below. With Mario alone, pressing Start exits the room and attempts to take you back to where you saved your game, which essentially freezes the game.
If you use 02006E15:DB for Mario and 020071B1:DB for Luigi, you should be able to walk up the slopes in the buggy room. This just removes the 20 flag that causes the glitches. Alternately, if you are using the US version, put in 082FB0B3:6F for Mario and 082FB0C7:6F for Luigi (this is the Bros. data in the NPC section).
(Source: Cen)
| To do: List the rest for the first three options. |
Room 000D is a cutscene Debug Menu which looks very much like the Starbeans Cafe's bean blend machine, except you are given four numbers without bean sprites above them. Future games have a similar debug menu. Many of these warps will affect your items, coins, and flags that are set/unset.
You can go up to 80, 40, 20, and 15 for each option respectively, but the ones at the end are usually glitched/don't work.
4th option:
- 0 = Teehee Valley - Cutscene where Peach is captured at beginning.
- 1 = Border Jump rewards screen (Stardust Fields).
- 2 = Diamond Mines rewards screen (Hoohoo Mountain).
- 3 = Chuckola Bounce rewards screen (Chucklehuck Woods - Winkle Colosseum).
- 4 = The Barrel game reward screen (S.S. Chuckola).
- 5 = The Barrel game reward screen (Fungitown).
- 6 = The Star 'Stache Smash reward screen (Fungitown).
- 7 = Beanbean Castle where the camera guy is at. You are also given 684 coins.
- 8 = NE Beanbean, outside Teehee Valley (Ship area).
- 9 = Teehee Valley.
- 10 = Teehee Valley - down a yellow pipe.
- 11 = You are in Beanbean Castletown outside Starbeans Cafe, with 99 of each type of bean.
- 12-15 = Crash
Unused Room Objects
There's a Toad programmed out in Toadtown Square that can be programmed back in by memory editing. You can walk right under him, and he has no conversation or movement data. It's possible at one point of development this Toad would have prevented you from accessing the next room without a certain requirement being met.
In the room on the Koopa Cruiser where you battle Goombas is a disabled Save Block which can be programmed back in by memory editing. This Save Block is fully functional and saves the game like it is supposed to, though the game displays glitched text for the area in which it displays where you saved at.
Unused Loading Zones
| To do: A more complete list can be found here. |
A few rooms have a dummy loading zone in the top left corner of the screen, at position 0, some of which will lead to nearby rooms while others will lead to room 0 (the debug room in the English version and the opening cutscene in the Japanese version).
Room | Leads to Room |
51 (Starbeans Café) | 41 (Beanbean Castle Town East, intact) |
197 (Sea bed, yellow pipe to mainland) | 0 (Debug / Opening Cutscene) |
101 (Stardust Fields, Highjump/Spinjump Tutorial) | 0 (Debug / Opening Cutscene) |
Bros Attack Placeholders
There are placeholder Bros Attack entries which can be turned on by setting the appropriate flags. They all have the in-battle description Temp (short for Temporary), and when used they deplete the brother's BP and the turn ends immediately with nothing happening.
Attack Name | "Have it" flag | "Know Advanced version" flag |
Jump 3 | 0200485F (5th bit) | 02004861 (7th bit) |
Hammer 2 | 02004860 (2nd bit) | 02004862 (4th bit) |
Hammer 3 | 02004860 (3rd bit) | 02004862 (5th bit) |
Fire 2 | 02004860 (8th bit) | 02004863 (2nd bit) |
Fire 3 | 02004861 (1st bit) | 02004863 (3rd bit) |
Jump 2 | 0200489B (4th bit) | 0200489D (6th bit) |
Jump 3 | 0200489B (5th bit) | 0200489D (7th bit) |
Hammer 3 | 0200489C (3rd bit) | 0200489E (5th bit) |
Thunder 2 | 0200489C (8th bit) | 0200489F (2nd bit) |
Thunder 3 | 0200489D (1st bit) | 0200489F (3rd bit) |
Gsys Labels
There seems to be a bank of pointers to gsys labels (located at 0839ECC4 in the US version, 083A0504 in EU, and 08388B34 in JP) which were probably used as On/Off for Mario and Luigi. Not much is known about these, and while they are assumed to at once point have been used as a debug menu the assembly codes which used this data were deleted before the game's release.
Some of these gsys labels have "kusu" in them, which comes from "Kusu Island", the Japanese name for Oho Oasis. Moreover the hand powers are named "solar" and "moon", apparently in reference to the Fire and Thunder Gods who teach the moves (their heads are shaped like the Sun and Moon respectively). One of the gsys has "Kuppa" in them, which is the Japanese name for Bowser.
These labels seem to be related to the flags located at 02004338 , and it's unfortunate that labels weren't found for the rest of them.
gsys_undefined_0200 gsys_hi_jump gsys_spin_jump gsys_solo_hamm gsys_solo_hamm2 gsys_solo_hamm3 gsys_mario_hamm2 gsys_luigi_hamm2 gsys_solo_kusu_solar gsys_solo_kusu_moon gsys_mario_kusu2 gsys_luigi_kusu2 gsys_undefined_020C gsys_undefined_020D gsys_undefined_020E gsys_undefined_020F gsys_undefined_0210 gsys_undefined_0211 gsys_undefined_0212 gsys_undefined_0213 gsys_undefined_0214 gsys_undefined_0215 gsys_undefined_0216 gsys_undefined_0217 gsys_undefined_0218 gsys_undefined_0219 gsys_undefined_021A gsys_undefined_021B gsys_undefined_021C gsys_undefined_021D gsys_undefined_021E gsys_undefined_021F gsys_menu_badge gsys_menu_item gsys_menu_card gsys_menu_bros gsys_menu gsys_menu_map gsys_menu_map_kuppa gsys_menu_twin gsys_shop_sale1 gsys_shop_sale2 gsys_shop_sale3 gsys_shop_sale4 gsys_shop_sale5 gsys_undefined_022D gsys_undefined_022E gsys_undefined_022F gsys_btl_defham gsys_btl_defham2 gsys_btl_twin gsys_btl_item gsys_btl_run gsys_btl_solo_hamm2 gsys_btl_solo_hamm3 gsys_shop_new_cti gsys_shop_new_cte gsys_shop_new_lki gsys_undefined_023B gsys_undefined_023C gsys_undefined_023D gsys_undefined_023E gsys_undefined_023F
Battle Backgrounds
In battle, you only ever see 240×160 of each background, but it turns out they are all actually 512×256, even the one exclusive to the demo version. Only very few battles make use of any kind of scrolling, such as the battle against Trunkle or the one against Cackletta's Soul, so it's likely scrolling was originally intended to happen in all battles, as is the case in Bowser's Inside Story.
Background 00
Unused. Appears to be a test/template background. If the battle data's background of a room is set to 00 then this background will appear in said room. -
Background 01
Background 02
Background 03
Note: The animated dust clouds are not shown. -
Background 04
Background 05
Background 06
Background 07
Background 08, Background 0B
Background 09
Background 0A
Background 0C
Background 0D
Background 0E
Background 0F
Background 10
Background 11
Background 12
Background 13
Note: The animated flames are not shown. -
Background 14
Background 15
Background 16
Note: Unused. Enemies do not appear in any of the rooms that use this tileset. -
Background 17
Background 18
Note: Unused. Enemies do not appear in the room that uses this tileset. The stars twinkle more erratically than shown here. -
Background 19
Background 1A
Background 1B
Background 1C
Background 1D
Background 1E
Background 1F
Background 20
Background 21
Background 22
Background 23
Background 24
Background 25
Note: The final battle does scroll a bit in the beginning. The animated lightning bolts are not shown. -
Background 26
Background 27
Wrecking Crew
Graphics and a tilemap for a Wrecking Crew-like scene exist within the ROM, but a proper method of accessing them has not yet been discovered.
US version – Palette: 0x08201790 ; Image: 0x082017B0 ; Map: 0x08201210 )
Incorrect Action Icons
When Bowletta uses her fireball attack the Jump icons appear as they must be, but strangely enough when the attack is finished the Hammer icons appear for a split second.
Incorrect Sound Effects
Throughout the game there are many situations where the wrong sound effect is played:
- When Gigi demonstrates the advanced Firebrand technique, and also in Mario's "surprise" to Gigi (when Mario is sitting in the chair), the Thunderhand sound is played instead.
- If Luigi gets filled up with water by the garden hose that is northeast of the Teehee Valley entrance, instead of Luigi making his normal sound effect when he empties himself of water, the sound of an Oho Jee speaking will play instead.
- If Mario and Luigi High Jump or Spin Jump into the flaming rock southwest of Hoohoo Village, they will yell, but if they simply walk or jump normally into it, they will perform the same motions but not make any sound. Also, if Mario is filled with water and walks into it, he yells but Luigi doesn't.
- After Luigi begins pulling on one of the Piranha Plants on the runway and Mario begins explaining something to Lady Lima, the gibberish talk Mario makes is actually Luigi's voice, not his.
Build Dates
The following build dates are found in the ROM at 0x5202A4 in the US version, 0x521C74 in the European version, 0x4119A0 in the Japanese version and 0x33bb6c in the Not For Resale Demo.
Version | Build Date |
North American | Oct 4 2003 06:21:36 |
European | Oct 4 2003 06:25:50 |
Japanese | Oct 16 2003 18:10:12 |
North American Kiosk Demo | Oct 27 2003 18:22:53 |
Chinese (Unreleased) | Feb 7 2007 15:06:03 |
The Mario series | |
NES/FDS | Super Mario Bros. • Super Mario Bros 2. (FDS) • Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) (Prototype, Doki Doki Panic) • Super Mario Bros. 3 |
SNES | Super Mario World • Super Mario All-Stars • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Prototypes) |
Satellaview | BS Super Mario USA • BS Super Mario Collection |
Nintendo 64 | Super Mario 64 (64DD Version) |
GameCube | Super Mario Sunshine (Demo) |
Wii | Super Mario Galaxy • Super Mario Galaxy 2 • New Super Mario Bros. Wii |
Wii U | New Super Mario Bros. U • New Super Luigi U • Super Mario 3D World |
Game Boy (Color) | Super Mario Land • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins • Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 • Super Mario Bros. Deluxe |
Game Boy Advance | Super Mario Advance • Super Mario Advance 2 • Super Mario Advance 3 • Super Mario Advance 4 |
Nintendo DS | New Super Mario Bros. • Super Mario 64 DS |
Nintendo 3DS | Super Mario 3D Land (Demo) • New Super Mario Bros. 2 |
Nintendo Switch | Super Mario Odyssey • New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe • Super Mario 3D All-Stars • Super Mario Bros. 35 • Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury |
iOS, Android | Super Mario Run |
Game & Watch | Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. |
Mario Kart | |
Console Games | Super Mario Kart (Prototypes) • Mario Kart 64 (iQue Prototype) • Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Demos) • Mario Kart Wii (Mario Kart Channel) • Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) |
Handheld Games | Mario Kart: Super Circuit • Mario Kart DS (Demos) • Mario Kart 7 • Mario Kart Tour |
Arcade Games | Mario Kart Arcade GP • Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 • Mario Kart Arcade GP DX |
Mario RPGs | |
Super Mario RPG | Legend of the Seven Stars |
Paper Mario | Paper Mario • The Thousand-Year Door (Paper Mario 2 Demo) • Super Paper Mario • Sticker Star • Color Splash • The Origami King |
Mario & Luigi | Superstar Saga (+ Bowser's Minions) • Partners in Time • Bowser's Inside Story (+ Bowser Jr.'s Journey) • Dream Team • Paper Jam |
Mario + Rabbids | Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle |
Mario Party | |
Console Games | Mario Party • Mario Party 2 • Mario Party 3 • Mario Party 4 (Demo) • Mario Party 5 (Demo) • Mario Party 6 (Demo) • Mario Party 7 • Mario Party 8 • Mario Party 9 • Mario Party 10 • Super Mario Party • Mario Party Superstars |
Handheld Games | Mario Party Advance • Mario Party DS |
Web Games | Mario Party 7: Bowser's Lair Hockey |
Mario Sports | |
Golf | NES Open Tournament Golf • Mario Golf (Nintendo 64, GBC) • Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour • Mario Golf: Advance Tour • Mobile Golf |
Tennis | Mario Tennis (Nintendo 64, GBC, Virtual Boy) • Mario Power Tennis • Mario Tennis: Power Tour - Bicep Pump • Mario Tennis Aces • Mario Tennis: Power Tour |
Strikers | Super Mario Strikers (Demo) • Mario Strikers Charged |
Baseball | Mario Superstar Baseball (Mario Baseball Demo) • Mario Super Sluggers |
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games | Beijing 2008 (DS, Wii) • Vancouver 2010 (DS, Wii) • London 2012 • Rio 2016 |
Other | BS Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium • Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet • Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix • Mario Sports Mix • Mario Pinball Land |
Dr. Mario | |
Console Games | Dr. Mario (Prototypes) • Tetris & Dr. Mario • Dr. Mario 64 • Dr. Luigi |
Handheld Games | Dr. Mario • Dr. Mario & Puzzle League • Dr. Mario World |
Web Games | Dr. Mario: Vitamin Toss |
Super Mario Maker | |
Console Games | Super Mario Maker • Super Mario Maker 2 |
Handheld Games | Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS |
Mario vs. Donkey Kong | |
Handheld Games | Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini Land Mayhem! • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars • Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge |
Console Games | Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars • Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge |
Mario Paint/Artist | |
Console Games | Mario Paint (Prototype) • Mario no Photopi • Mario Artist Paint Studio (Prototype) • Mario Artist Talent Studio • Mario Artist Communication Kit • Mario Artist Polygon Studio |
Mario Bros. | |
Arcade Games | Mario Bros. • Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros. |
Console Games | Mario Bros. • Kaettekita Mario Bros. |
Handheld Games | Mario Bros. Classic • Mario Clash |
Luigi's Mansion | |
Console Games | Luigi's Mansion • Luigi's Mansion 3 |
Handheld Games | Luigi's Mansion • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon |
Arcade Games | Luigi's Mansion Arcade |
Mario's Picross | |
Console Games | Mario's Super Picross |
Handheld Games | Mario's Picross • Picross 2 |
Educational | |
Computer Games | Mario is Missing! (DOS) • Mario's Early Years (DOS) • Mario Teaches Typing (DOS) |
Console Games | Mario is Missing! (NES) • Mario is Missing! (SNES) • Mario's Time Machine (NES) • Mario's Time Machine (SNES) • Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters |
Donkey Kong | |
Arcade Games | Donkey Kong • Donkey Kong Jr. • Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros. |
Computer Games | Donkey Kong (Atari 8-bit family) (Prototype) |
Console Games | Donkey Kong (NES) • Donkey Kong Jr. (NES) |
Handheld Games | Donkey Kong (Game Boy) |
Wrecking Crew | |
Console Games | Wrecking Crew • Wrecking Crew '98 |
Other | |
Arcade Games | Mario Roulette |
Computer Games | Mario's Game Gallery |
Console Games | I am a Teacher: Super Mario no Sweater • Nintendo World Championships 1990 • Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991 • Mario & Wario • Undake 30: Same Game Mario Version • Yoshi's Safari • Hotel Mario • Super Mario's Wacky Worlds • Fortune Street • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U, Switch) |
Handheld Games | Jaguar Mishin Sashi Senyou Soft: Mario Family • Super Princess Peach • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (3DS) • Photos with Mario • Mario Clock |
See also | |
Donkey Kong • Wario • Yoshi |
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